Friday, March 23, 2012

Does the Mass Media really believe their bias reporting?

The "Leftist Liberal" media would have the American public who they believe lacks common sense, believe their reporting that "Americans" do not know why gasoline prices have skyrocketed in recent days? Duh?

When will the truth come out on the front page! Our gasoline prices are skyrocketing because this administration doesn't believe in "drill baby drill." The environmentalists control the State Department, Interior, and Energy Departments. With their mouths they speak words, but their actions are far from the words they speak.

America has very few true friends and allies around the world. But one of our greatest friends and partners is the huge nation that lies to the North of us, O Canada. Canadians share our values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happinest. And most recently, Canadians have been discovering their roots and the purpose for the foundation of their great nation and guess what?
Their roots are similar to ours.

They were the pioneers, the explorers, people who wanted freedom and liberty from the overwhelming oppression of a government that was not of the people, by the people and for the people.

Our friend and ally wants to forge the "Keystone" pipleline from Canada to Texas to provide us access to their oil reserves so that we can continue to develop a national policy that frees us from the dependency of oil from those tyrannical regimes that would snuff out the human rights of all those who would live within their boundaries if they do not follow their forced and national religious policy.

With his mouth, President Obama says he wants oil independencce, but his actions betray the real intent of his "liberal" agenda and that is to make the United States the poster child for every "green" agency in the world. No oil, no drilling, no nuclear, save the whale and kill the unborn child. It truly doesn't make any sense. But here's the proof.

The recent photo op in Oklahoma so blatantly staged for the American people and the liberal media to give them something else to say to mask their real intent. And those of us to read and listen to the small voices on local radio and media, know that this pipeline has already been built to service the oil reserves coming out of Oklahoma. Everyone knows the old movies, "Boom Town" with Clark Gable and knows that Oklahoma has been delivering oil to the gulf since the 1920's. Hoorah for nothing!

So don't allow the media to dumb down the common sense of the American people. Don't believe a word the liberal press prints, or promotes on their stations CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and their newspapers, the Posts, the LA Times. Just look at the administration's actions.

They talk the talk. But they don't walk the walk ON THE ISSUE OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE.

Who will hold this administration accountable for bailing out a POLITICAL DONOR's ENERGY COMPANY for millions so that they could BAIL THEMSELVES OUT before filing bankruptcy!
This is unbelievable. If the little guy on main street did this, could he get away with this?

NO, only friends of Obama can. Search the internet and find out what is really going on.

Obama Administration Vetoes Canada-Texas Pipeline
WASHINGTON – The U.S. government said Wednesday it has decided not to give permission for a proposed pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, a project hailed by the domestic oil industry but denounced by environmental groups and landowners along the proposed route.

Solar Energy Company Touted By Obama Goes Bankrupt
President Obama tours Solyndra plant in 2010. A California solar panel manufacturer which President Obama had made the poster child of his effort to expand the green economy and grow jobs has filed for bankruptcy, the company announced today. Solyndra said “global economic and solar industry market conditions” forced it to abruptly shutter its Fremont, Calif., factory and immediately layoff more than 1,100 employees.

“Green” Energy Firm Given $118.5 Million Taxpayer Loan From Obama Administration, Gives Executives $725K Bonuses, Promptly Goes Bankrupt…

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